Research Groups

EcoTop - Ecology and Conservation of Top Predators

EcoTop - Ecology and Conservation of Top Predators

We address the ecology and conservation of top predators focusing on studies of diet, habitat selection, conservation physiology, trophicecology and movement. We use modern methods, such as GPS loggers, stable isotopes and physiological indicators. EcoTop includes a polar science subgroup.

Freshwater Ecology

Freshwater Ecology

We are focused on ecological processes, taxonomy & structure of aquatic communities, response to environmental conditions, ecological assessment, urban aquatic ecosystems and nature's influence on human health and well-being, and ecosystem services.

Laboratory of Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment

Laboratory of Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment

Our research involves numerical and experimental modeling of surface hydrological processes; non-linear processes in hydrology; and urban hydraulics. We combine fundamental and applied research in hydraulic engineering and hydrology, in both urban and rural systems.

MAREFOZ | Marine Ecosystems

MAREFOZ | Marine Ecosystems

We work in the areas of environmental quality assessment; ecosystem recovery and conservation; valorisation of endogenous products and ocean literacy, employing innovative and complementary tools and methodologies, such as stable isotopes, ecological indicators, biomarkers, geographical analysis and active citizenship.

Sedimentary Geology

Sedimentary Geology

We are mainly focused in modern sedimentary environments and in the characterization and interpretation of sedimentary geological archives (marine and terrestrial).

AquaMARE - Aquaculture and Marine Resources Sustainability

AquaMARE - Aquaculture and Marine Resources Sustainability

We are focused on sustainable aquaculture, diversification of reared species and management and conservation of marine resources. We operate in areas such as aquaculture for restocking or ornamental purposes, ecology, nutrition, reproduction, animal welfare, new diets, and new compounds for the industry.

Blue Food Research and Innovation

Blue Food Research and Innovation

We add economic value to marine food resources by integrating value chains and implementing cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions in the processing industry. We develop intelligent packaging and processing for products with greater consumer acceptance.

Marine Ecology and Biotechnology

Marine Ecology and Biotechnology

We combine bioprospecting and the use of marine resources for industrial applications (e.g. medical, pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics), with the study and conservation of marine environments (e.g. scalable solutions for marine forests) in a scenario of global changes and sustainable exploitation.

Fisheries Biology and Sustainability

Fisheries Biology and Sustainability

We bring together researchers working in small-scale fisheries and on diverse topics including stock ID, life-historyparameters, population genetics and assessment and management of fisheries.

Integrative Marine Biology and Global Change

Integrative Marine Biology and Global Change

We seek to understand the impacts of global change threats (e.g., warming, acidification, deoxygenation) in the marine biota, at different levels of biological organization (from molecules to ecosystems), entailing an integrative and multidisciplinary approach.

C2B - Coastal Conservation and Biodiversity

C2B - Coastal Conservation and Biodiversity

We seek to understand the processes that determine biodiversity patterns in order to protect key habitats and species. Through ecological monitoring, assessment and modelling, we explore biodiversity at all scales of biological organization, with a focus on decision support in conservation and management.

BIOTOX – Biomonitoring and Ecotoxicology

BIOTOX – Biomonitoring and Ecotoxicology

With a a multi-disciplinary approach from ecotoxicology, to physiology, biotechnology, microbiology and the most recent omic approaches such as metabolomics and metagenomics, we focus on the evaluation and monitoring of the ecological and chemical status of ecosystems, targeting both animal and plant organisms.

ECOFISHING - Marine Fisheries Management

ECOFISHING - Marine Fisheries Management

We are focused on the study of fish population dynamics, stock assessment and the evaluation of management strategies to support fisheries policies. We rely on monitoring fishing activity and production and on fish biology and interactions to provide scientific advice.

GOceFis - Physical Oceanography

GOceFis - Physical Oceanography

We study coastal and large-scale oceanic dynamic processes in the Atlantic basin, such as the spatio-temporal variability of the West Iberian coastal upwelling system and the variability of salinity and its implications for thermohaline circulation in the context of climate change.

Environmental Impact and Monitoring

Environmental Impact and Monitoring

We are mainly involved in Environmental Impact Assessment, environmental monitoring of projects and human activities, and the implementation of European Directives. We are also involved in situ and remote coastal monitoring as part of CoastNet - the Portuguese Coastal Monitoring Network.

Marine Bioacoustics and Animal Behaviour

Marine Bioacoustics and Animal Behaviour

We study fish bioacoustics with a focus on social behavior and the underlying neuroanatomical and physiological mechanisms. We investigate how listening to marine soundscapes can provide conservation and management tools in the context of climate change and aquatic noise pollution.

Ocean Governance and Sustainability

Ocean Governance and Sustainability

In a context of the rise of the Blue Economy and Blue Growth, we focus on political, social, institutional and legal challenges and instruments; sustainable ocean governance; and ocean governance in a changing climate, with the aim of stimulating and strengthening new science-policy interfaces.

Phytoplankton Monitoring and Remote Sensing

Phytoplankton Monitoring and Remote Sensing

We address fundamental research, such as the taxonomy and physiology of microalgae, and applied research, such as the development of water quality indicators; and we apply remote sensing of ocean color to the study of all aquatic ecosystems, analyzing chlorophyll a and phytoplankton functional groups.

Biological Invasions

Biological Invasions

In the context of biological invasions, we analyze vectors and routes of introduction of non-indigenous species, dispersal processes, impacts and management measures, in all aquatic environments. We address monitoring, the behavior of key players, risk assessment protocols and prevention and control measures.

Evolutionary Genetics

Evolutionary Genetics

We address the phylogeny, phylogeography, ecology and behavior of aquatic organisms, namely: coastal biodiversity; biogeography and evolution; molecular methods applied to conservation and fisheries; poisons in marine fish; health of wild populations; stranding nets, and ocean and river literacy.

Marine Conservation and Ecology

Marine Conservation and Ecology

We study the impacts of human activities on marine systems by supporting the designation, implementation and monitoring of marine protected areas, as well as the study and management of species and habitats of conservation concern. We also study the impacts of climate scenarios on the ecology, behaviour and physiology of marine animals.

NOVACoast - Sustainable Coastal Research

NOVACoast - Sustainable Coastal Research

We work in three areas: Risk Assessment and Management and Civil Protection; Green and Blue Infrastructures and Coastal Urban Sustainability; and Governance, Active Citizenship and Social Laboratories. We carry out research into climate change, the sustainability of coastal cities, and active community involvement.

MARLab - Marine Research and Environmental Risk

MARLab - Marine Research and Environmental Risk

We work in the areas of Ecotoxicology and Risk Assessment; Integrative Taxonomy and Molecular Ecology; Marine Litter and Microplastics; and Environmental Microbiology. We support policy-makers in Environmental and Human Health Risk Assessment and monitoring programs.

Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory (WAT-HY)

Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory (WAT-HY)

We work in the areas of hydraulics, water resources management, the impact of climate change on water resources, hydropower, flood risk assessment and mathematical modeling of hydrodynamics and water quality in inland and transitional water systems.

OLO - Ocean Literacy Observatory

OLO - Ocean Literacy Observatory

We are focused on co-creating socio-ecological cartographies of local environmental symptoms; co-constructing solutions that bring together traditional, local, technical and scientific knowledge; collaborative local socio-anthropological analysis; and promoting the active and critical participation of communities in resource management.

Waste&Water@NOVA - NOVA Waste and Water Engineering and Management

Waste&Water@NOVA - NOVA Waste and Water Engineering and Management

We study material flows to reduce waste, promote recycling, minimize environmental impact and plan waste management infrastructures. We use socio-economic methods and a systems analysis approach to develop management systems with practical, technical and systematic perspectives.

Benthic Systems: Functional and Diversity Assessment

Benthic Systems: Functional and Diversity Assessment

We are focused on ecological processes of benthic microbiome and nematode assemblages associated with intertidal seagrasses, subtidal estuarine and deep sea sediments, analysing distribution patterns; stable isotopes; molecular analysis; chemical profiling; seafloor geology and bathymetry; geochemical pathways on sediments.

FBCM - Fish Biology, Conservation and Management

FBCM - Fish Biology, Conservation and Management

We work in areas such as fish population dynamics, fish migrations, biology and ecology of diadromous species, management of commercial and recreational fishing, design and monitoring of fish passages and ecological monitoring. We are active in defining the regulation of diadromous fish fisheries in Portugal.

Ecology and Conservation of Temperate Reefs

Ecology and Conservation of Temperate Reefs

Our focus is on temperate reef species (intertidal and subtidal, including non-indigenous species). We investigate patterns and processes of distribution and abundance, assemblage structure; biology, conservation and management of exploited coastal invertebrates; and ecology and conservation in marine protected areas.

Climate Change and Human Pressures

Climate Change and Human Pressures

We have a deep knowledge on the biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics of island ecosystems. We have been studying the consequences of human pressures, bioinvasions and climate-related changes to Madeira’s coastal ecosystems, and we are in an exciting phase of expansion to study inland waterways and the deep seas around Madeira.

Marine Megafauna and Open Ocean

Marine Megafauna and Open Ocean

We investigate marine megafauna species such as sperm whales, sea lions and sea turtles. Our work includes determining their spatial distribution, using satellite tracking to identify movement patterns; and studying the health of megafauna in relation to toxins and plastics.

Ecosystem Services and Blue Economy

Ecosystem Services and Blue Economy

With a focus on Madeira Island, we unravel the complex interactions between human activities and marine ecosystems. We provide knowledge and tools to make informed decisions, promote sustainable practices and ensure the viability of the blue economy while preserving valuable ecosystem services.

Wave Labs - Marine Technology and Artificial Intelligence

Wave Labs - Marine Technology and Artificial Intelligence

We combine hardware and software design, electrical engineering and computer science, with marine monitoring and conservation. Using the Internet of Things (IoT), biotelemetry, interactive aquatic environments, AI and citizen science-oriented applications, we provide low-cost solutions to marine challenges.

Environment, Biotechnology and Energy Sustainability

Environment, Biotechnology and Energy Sustainability

In the environmental area we focused on aquaculture production; sustainability of agricultural practices; and habitat management and ecosystem services. In biotechnology, we apply wastewater treatment technologies; bioremediation and cultivation of saline soils. In Energy, we focus on renewable energy sources and energy efficiency.