Catarina Vinagre

Catarina Vinagre's picture
MARE - ULisboa
Research domain: 
Coastal Systems and Ocean
Research lines: 
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning
Environmental Risk

Activity summary

I study the effects of environmental change on marine organisms, populations and food webs, from the sub-cellular to the whole-animal level, and complex trophic networks.


Vinagre C., Costa M.J., Wood S.A., Williams R.J., Dunne J.A., 2019. Potential impacts of climate change and humans on the trophic network organization of estuarine food webs. Marine Ecology Progress Series,616: 13-24 Brose, U., et al., Vinagre C., Wang S., Wefer J.M., Williams R.J., Wieters E., Woodward G., Iles, A.C., 2019. Predator traits determine food-web architecture across ecosystems. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 3, 919–927. Madeira C., et al. Vinagre C., 2019. Environmental health assessment of warming coastal ecosystems in the tropics - application of integrative physiological indices. Science of the Total Environment 643, 28–39 Gauzens B, Rall BC, Mendonça V, Vinagre C, Brose U 2020. Biodiversity of intertidal food webs in response to warming across latitudes. Nature Climate Change Vinagre C., et al 2018. Ecological traps in shallow coastal waters - potential effect of heat-waves in tropical and temperate organisms. PlosOne 13(2): e0192700. Madeira C.,et al., Vinagre C., 2018. High thermal tolerance does not protect from chronic warming – a multiple end-point approach with a tropical gastropod, Stramonita haemastoma. Ecological Indicators 91: 626–635 Dias M.,et al., Vinagre C. 2018. Mortality, growth and regeneration following fragmentation of reef-forming corals under thermal stress. Journal of Sea Research 141, 71-82 Mendonça, V., et al , Vinagre, C. 2018. What's in a tide pool? Just as much food web network complexity as in large open ecosystems. PlosOne 13(7): e0200066.