Thematic Research Lines

MARE has seven Thematic Lines that allow to identify priority areas for research..

Through the exchange of ideas, knowledge, methodologies and applications, MARE increases its potential for presenting specific actions, strengthens the communication between its members and the ability to attract resources to develop consistent research and promote internal and external partnerships that enhance the success of its research.

Biotechnology and Resources Valorisation

Biotechnology and Resources Valorisation research line aims at bridging the gap between research and society, by addressing an industrially market-focused approach for selected marine biodiscovery pipelines, contributing to enhance innovation and the high growth potential of a Blue Economy.

The main goals of this research line are: to increase the efficiency of the marine biodiscovery pipeline and contribute to a more effective bioprospecting; to promote innovation with new biotechnological applications, products, processes and services, resulting from marine biomolecules or enriched extracts; to add value to marine natural resources to provide solutions for the industry, in a true technology transfer between research and SMEs/stakeholders ensuring a “From the Sea to Society” strategy.

Technological Tools for Exploration and Monitoring

Technological Tools for Exploration and Monitoring thematic line focused on research to stimulate the development of innovative tools, technologies and monitoring infrastructures for aquatic research and working in close collaboration in an interdisciplinary environment to produce innovative solutions, contributes to bridge the gap between aquatic research and technological constrains associated with the work developed in an adverse environment to science.

The following specific objectives will be pursued: to improve fixed and autonomous observation systems, including bio-logging technologies, to observe links between multiple ecosystem components at spatial and temporal coherent scales; developments on experimental facilities to maintain aquatic model species in controlled conditions for use in scientific research; to support the ongoing implementation of the research infrastructures CoastNet and PORBIOTA, designed to monitor human activities and to improve the understanding of coastal ecosystems dynamics.

Governance and Literacy

Governance and Literacy thematic line deals with the social component within processes/projects - and aims to assess and interpret these main trends at global/regional/national levels, in order to discuss theories, models and their effectiveness, contributing to the development of innovative instruments and policies. For this, four research areas are identified: policies, instruments and institutional frameworks; societal dynamics and governance studies; science communication and knowledge building; and socio-ecological dynamics. This transdisciplinary line follows an action-research quantitative and qualitative approach and it targets multiple level policy decision making and governance. It works closely with different disciplinary fields to test theories on the ground and to draw lessons for theorizing, through active Living Labs, promoters of Governance and Literacy.

The objectives of this line are the following: stimulate the research in Governance and Literacy encouraging simultaneously the development of innovative methodologies; assure the capacitation of the civil society in Governance and Literacy, namely for communities, institutions and firms; push network building in Governance and Literacy effectively and efficiently to the overall society, contributing to build up collective capital - social, intellectual and political – and to the scientific and technological innovation; build alternative models of Governance and Literacy privileging coastal communities, stressing the differentiated character generator of social transformation; and promote internal governance of MARE contributing to reinforce the multidisciplinary profile of the Center.