Paulo Fontoura

Paulo Fontoura's picture
Research domain: 
Coastal Systems and Ocean
Research lines: 
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning

Activity summary

Associate Professor, retired, (Univ. Port0). The research work is focused on taxonomy and biogeography of tardigrades, mainly marine forms, performing morphological studies and species identification. The main goal is to obtain an integrated understanding of the mechanisms of adaptation of these organisms, based on the description of distribution patterns, relationships with ecological parameters, trophic interactions, etc. Currently, surveys from several world regions are under study.


RUBAL, M.; FONTOURA, P. & VEIGA, P. 2023. New Records of Marine Tardigrades (Arthotardigrada) from the Iberian Peninsula: Biogeographical Implications. Diversity 15, 210. Wang, X.; Bai,L.; Wang, C.; Lu, B.; Li,Y.; Lin, Q.; Huang, X. & Fontoura, P. 2023. Preliminary studies of the tardigrada communities from a polymetallic nodule area of the deep South China Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science 10. BAI, L.; WANG, X.; GAO, X., LI, Y. & FONTOURA, P. 2022. First record of a deep-sea tardigrade from the South China Sea, Halechiniscus janus sp. nov. (Arthrotardigrada: Halechiniscidae). Zootaxa, 5159(3):425-439 BARTELS, P.J.; FONTOURA, P.; NELSON, D. et al. 2021. A trans-isthmus survey of marine tardigrades from Costa Rica (Central America) with descriptions of seven new species. Marine Biology Research. BAI, L.; WANG, X; ZHOU Y.; LIN, S.; MENG, F. & FONTOURA, P. 2020. Moebjergarctus clarionclippertonensis, a new abyssal tardigrade from the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone, North-East Pacific. Zootaxa, 4755(3):561-575 GASIOREK, P; VONCINA, P.; CIOSEK, J.; VELOSO, M.; FONTOURA, P. & MICHALCZYK, Ł. 2021. New Indomalayan Nebularmis species (Heterotardigrada: Echiniscidae) provoke a discussion on its intrageneric diversity. Zoological Letters 7:6 GOMES-JÚNIOR, E.; SANTOS, E.; DA ROCHA, C.M.S.; SANTOS, P.J.P. & FONTOURA, P. 2020. The deep-sea genus Coronarctus (Tardigrada, Arthrotardigrada) in Brazil, South-Western Atlantic Ocean, with the description of three new species. Diversity 12(2), 63 SANTOS E.; VEIGA, P.; RUBAL, M.; BARTELS, P.J.; DA ROCHA. C.M.C. & FONTOURA, P., 2019. Batillipes pennaki Marcus, 1946 (Arthrotardigrada: Batillipedidae): deciphering a species complex. Zootaxa, 4648(3): 549-567